James Busby

James Busby was born in 1973 in Rock Hill (South Carolina) and lives and works in Chapin, South Carolina. In 2003 he obtained the title of Master of Fine Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University. His artistic research is centered on dexterity and attention to the constructivist legacy, in order to better investigate the reality of the work and return to the origins of painting. He assures that his works do not represent other than their own materiality.

Busby’s works are the result of a long and rigorous process, most of the time the work begins on a wooden support, on which plaster is spread so that the layers accumulate slowly. Once the desired thickness is reached, the artist then smooth’s, a process characterized by rigorous attention to detail and which gives the work a textured effect.

The works of James Busby can be considered open, due to the possibility of continuous variations according to their spatial disposition. The reflective quality of his works requires the viewer to move around until he suggests an almost infinite number of visual experiences, every time a reflection changes.

Several exhibitions have been dedicated to James Bubsy, among the personal ones to remember are Talking in Code, New Paintings and Drawings (2015) at the Reyonolds Gallery in Richmond and Life Around Here (2016) at the Kravets | Wheby Gallery in New York. In April 2019 he participated in the duo exhibition Aftermodernism A perspective on contemporary Art James Bubsy Justin Samson at the Mucciaccia Contemporary gallery. Busby is part of the Aftermodernism artistic movement founded by the collector Hubert Neumann, exhibitions dedicated to him were held in London, Paris, Stockholm and Istanbul. He has participated in various art fairs in Miami, Houston, Stockholm, Istanbul and New York City, including the International Armory Show in New York, Untitled Art Fair, Scope NY and Untitled Art Fair, Miami.

James Busby

Selected Solo Exhibitions

James Busby, Suspirium, Lowell Ryan Projects, Los Angeles, USA

New Works, Loyal Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden (forthcoming)

New Paintings, Neumann Wolfson Art, New York, USA

Life Round Here, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

Ripple, Dirimart Galeri, Istanbul, Turkey

Talking in Code, New Paintings and Drawings, Reynolds Gallery Richmond, USA

Right Right, Now Now, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

Eyelid Movies, James Busby, Randall Scott Projects, Baltimore, USA

Figure 8, James Busby, 701 Center for Contemporary Art, Columbia, USA

New Paintings, James Busby, Randall Scott Projects, Washington DC, USA

Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

Smoke & Mirrors, Randall Scott Projects, Washington DC, USA

New Paintings, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

James Busby: Wingspan, 2D & 3D New Work,Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

James Busby: New Work, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, USA

James Busby, White & Black: New Minimal Paintings, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

Reduction: New Work, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, USA

White, New Work, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

White Paintings, New Gallery/Thom Andriola, Houston, USA

White Paintings, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

White Paintings, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

Starting Anew, MFA Thesis Exhibition, Anderson Gallery, Virginia Common wealth University, Richmond, USA

Selected Group Exhibitions

AFTERMODERNISM, A Perspective on Contemporary Art, James Busby Justin Samson, curated by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi, Mucciaccia Contemporary, Rome, Italy

The Summer Party Benefit Auction, The Glass House, Phillip Johnson, New Canaan, USA

James Busby, Tom Sanford, Christian Schumann, Neumann Wolfson Art, New York, USA

Inaugural Exhibition, Neumann Wolfson Art, New York, USA

What’s Up, curate by Lawerence Van Hagen, Soho Revue Gallery, London, Great Britan

Untitled Art Fair, Nina Chanel Abney & James Busby, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, Miami, USA

Contemporary Istanbul, Dirimart Galeri Booth, Istanbul, Turkey

Art International, Dirimart Galeri, Istanbul, Turkey

Art & Design Hamptons, Randall Scott Projects, Hamptons, USA

Outsider In, a cura di Ross Watts, Sara Nightingale Gallery, Hamptons, USA

Across The Board: New Works, if ART Gallery, Columbia, USA

Forms of Abstraction, 1950 to Today, curated by Susanne Van Hagen, Dickinson Gallery, London, England People Staring, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

After Space, Loyal Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden

Vacation Days, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, USA

Market Art Fair, Loyal Gallery Booth, Stockholm, Sweden

AftermodernisM, Michael Bevilacqua, James Busby, Ridley Howard, Nassau County Museum of Art, Long Island, USA

Texas Contemporary, Randall Scott Projects, Houston, USA

Fountains of the Deep, curated by Darren Aronofsky in conjuction with the release of his film NOAH, New York, USA

Miami Project, Randall Scott Projects, Miami, USA

Looking Froward, Randall Scott Projects, Washington DC, USA

Shaking the Habitual, James Busby, Michael Bevilacqua, Jeff Elrod, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

Market Art Fair, Randall Scott Projects Booth, Miami, USA

Untitled Art Fair, Kravets|Wehby Gallery Booth, Miami, USA

Happy Flies Kissing Beautiful Face, curated by Lucy Li, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

Recent Work, James Busby, Michael Bevilacqua & Robert Kingston, ArtMRKT, Hamptons, Randall Scott Projects Booth, Bridgehampton, USA

More Young Americans, curated by Susanne Van Hagen with Marc Olivier Wahler and Miguel Macedo, L’Enclos des Bernadins, Hôtel de Miramion, Parigi, Francia

Shaking the Habitiual, Michael Bevilacqua, James Busby & Jeff Elrod, Kravets|Wehby Gallery, New York, USA

Piping Down the Valleys Wild, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

701 CCA Prize Exhibition, 701 Center for Contemporary Art, Columbia, USA Extending the Line, curated by Vardy|Kauffman, Arevalo Gallery, Miami, USA

Summer Show, Stux Gallery, New York, USA Abstract Art in South Carolina 1949 2012, South Carolina State Museum, Columbia, USA

SC Biennial, 701 Center For Contemporary Art, Columbia, USA

The Incomplete Paris, curated by Hubert Neumann, Galerie Jean Luc + Takako Richard, Paris, France

Sweet Summertime, curated by Bev Reynolds, Reynolds Gallery, Richmond, USA

Scratching at the Surface: James Busby & Miki Carmi, Stefan Stux Gallery New York, USA

Carolina Collects, curated by Todd Herman & Bryan Lang, Columbia Museum of Art, Columbia, USA

Group Exhibition, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, USA

The Incomplete, Chelsea Art Museum, curated by Hubert Neumann & Manon Slome, New York, USA

The Materiality & Metamorphosis of Graphite, curated by Elizabeth Schlatter, University of Richmond Museum, Richmond, USA, travelling exhibition in 2007 at Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, California; Western Gallery, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington; Salina Art Center, Kansas; Baum Gallery of Fine Art, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas. In 2008 at Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, New York; Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, Montana. In 2009 at the Palmer Museum of Art, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

Scope New York, Stefan Stux Gallery Booth, New York, USA

The Appollonian Style, curated by Joe Fyfe, Bruno Marina Gallery, Brooklyn, USA

Stux Summer Review, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York, USA

The International Armory Show, Stefan Stux Gallery Booth, New York, USA

Three Painters: James Busby, Heidi Trepanier, Darren Wardle, Stefan Stux Gallery, New York,


Lustre, a cura di Stefan Stux, Stefan Stux Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University MFA Exhibit, New York, USA

Art To Go, 1708 Gallery, Benefit Art Auction, Richmond, USA

Fold here, 3 d paper, curated by Deborah McCloud, Ellipse Art Center, Arlington, USA

To the Capital City, Hopkins Gallery, VCU and Ohio State University Exchange Show, Columbus, USA

Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York, USA

Small Works Invitational, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, USA

Holiday Group Show, Page Bond Gallery, Richmond, USA

Options 2002, curate by Victoria Reis, Millennium Arts Center, Washington Project for the Arts/Corcoran Biennial, Washington, DC, USA

Rising Visions, 1708 Gallery, Richmond, USA Nine, Orange Door Gallery, Virginia Commonwealth University, MFA Candidacy Show, Richmond, USA

Trans Appalachian Tractor Pull, Hewlett Gallery, VCU and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

Night of 1,000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York, USA


Selected public collections

Hubert Neumann, New York, USA
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, USA
Neumann Family Collection, New York, USA
de la Cruz Collection, in collaborazione con Assume Vivid Astro
Focus, Miami, USA
Museum of Modern Art, in collaboration with Brian Belott, New York, USA
Dakis Joannou works on paper collection, in collaboration with Keegan McHargue, Athens, Greece
James Busby, Simple Song, 2019, gesso, grafite, olio e acrilico su legno, 59x35.5 cm

James Busby, Simple Song, 2019, chalk, graphite, oil and acrylic on wood, 59×35.5 cm

James Busby, Always Alright, 2019, gesso, grafite, olio e acrilico su legno, ø 117 cm

James Busby, Always Alright, 2019, chalk, graphite, oil and acrylic on wood, ø 117 cm

James Busby, Sweep, 2018, gesso, grafite, olio e acrilico su MDF, 51.5x40.5 cm

James Busby, Sweep, 2018, chalk, graphite, oil and acrylic on MDF, 51.5×40.5 cm

James Busby, Ocean Eyes, 2019, gesso, grafite, olio, acrilico e pittura spray su pannello, 70x58.5 cm

James Busby, Ocean Eyes, 2019, chalk, graphite, oil, acrylic and spray paint on panel, 70×58.5 cm