Brigita Huemer

Brigita Huemer was born in Austria in 1972 and currently lives and works in Rome. As a child she developed a special interest in art and photography. In 1999 she worked as an assistant for Walter Schupfer’s photography agency and later became studio manager for photographer Todd Eberle. Her training started at The Art Students League in New York and continued with a diploma from the Department of Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts.

Initially she was drawn to a naturalistic photographic technique, and then she continued with artistic experimentation, first on the human figure with cutout portraits and then on the abstraction of forms.

She participated in various collective exhibitions including Das Ei, a project organized in 2013 for the Flashback fair in Turin. In 2017 she exhibited at the Ricordi Futuri 2.0 exhibition at Polo del ‘900 in Turin and Il Segno della Memoria at the European Parliament in Brussels. In the same year she held two solo exhibitions, one at El Magazen dell’Arte in Venice and the other at the Galleria Ferrero Arte Contemporanea in Ivrea.

The works of Brigita Huemer have their signature style in the repetition of modular geometrical shapes, programmatically established by the rhythmic passage from monochrome. They are never a monotonous and mechanical repetition of themselves because each of these variations, in a cause and effect relationship, generates a total shift of all the internal equilibriums of the pictorial composition.

In 2018 she participated in the exhibitions: Ricordi futuri 4.0 – Cosa c’è in fondo al binario at the Milan Holocaust Memorial and Unforgettable Childhood, both curated by Ermanno Tedeschi. In May 2018 the duo exhibition Emotiva, Brigita Huemer e Angelica Romeo curated by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi was held at the Mucciaccia Contemporary gallery in Rome.

Brigita Huemer

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Room Section #420, Art Rooms Fair, The Church Village, Rome


Brigita Huemer, Galleria Ferrero Arte Contemporanea, Ivrea

Personale al femminile, Brigata Huemer, El Magazen dell’Arte Dorsoduro 1375, Venice

Selezione mostre collettive


Ricordi futuri 4.0 – Cosa c’è in fondo al binario, curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, Memorial of the Shoah, Milan

Unforgettable Childhood, curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, ex Opsedale di San Rocco, Matera

EMOTIVA, Brigita Huemer – Angelica Romeo, curated by Cesare Biasini Selvaggi


The trace of memory, curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, European Parliament of Brussels

Ricordi Futuri, curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, Sala Novecento, Palazzo San Daniele, Polo del 900, Turin

Auction organized in collaboration with Sotheby’s, curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, Association Italy Israel in by the Camis De Fonseca Foundation, Turin


Radici, curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, La Morra nelle Langhe, Cuneo

L’arte per ricostruire. Artisti per Amatrice, charity auction to support the project “Sorriso per AAA- Accumoli, Amatrice e Arquata del Tronto”, Galleria Mucciaccia, Rome


Arte in Circolo: Brigita Huemer e Angelica Romeo, curated by Giulia Abate and Gianluca Marziani, Tennis Club Parioli, Rome


Das ei, Flashback, Turin


Bonalumi, Tensioni sotto la superficie, Galleria Edieuropa Qui Arte Contemporanea, Rome

Passeggiata di Primavera: Accardi, Afro, Almagno, Arena, Huemer “Die Welle”, Galleria Edieuropa Qui Arte Contemporanea, Rome

Brigita Huemer, Blu and green neon, 2017, acrilico, pittura neon e collage di carta su plexiglass, 50x55 cm

Brigita Huemer, Blu and green neon, 2017, acrylic, neon paint and paper collage on plexiglass, 50×55 cm

Brigita Huemer, Hexagon, 2018, acrilico e collage di carta su plexiglass, 120x160 cm

Brigita Huemer, Hexagon, 2018, acrylic and paper collage on plexiglass, 120×160 cm

Brigita Huemer, Turning black, 2017, acrilico e collage di carta su plexiglass, 45x40 cm

Brigita Huemer, Turning black, 2017, acrylic and paper collage on plexiglass, 45×40 cm

Sensory Synergy. Brigita Huemer, Misha Milovanovich. Catalogo della mostra

Sensory Synergy Exhibition’s Catalogue