Tom Sanford

Tom Sanford è nato nel 1975 a Bronxville (New York, Usa). Ha conseguito un BA alla Columbia University, quindi un MFA all’Hunter College. Vive e lavora nel quartiere di Harlem a New York. 

La sua ricerca e i suo punti di riferimento derivano da un melting pot di fonti, dal Rinascimento al secolo d’oro olandese, dai dipinti dei salotti ottocenteschi alla Pop Art e al Surrealismo-Pop, fino alla grafica dei fumetti politici, dei cartelloni pubblicitari, dei giornali scandalistici e degli articoli presenti nelle stazioni di servizio americane.

I suoi temi sono nature morte e ritratti, ma si focalizza anche su soggetti contemporanei. Le sue nature morte rappresentano soprattutto lattine o bottiglie di birra, ma anche cartoni di pizza e superalcolici. Le sue figure umane, invece, passano in rassegna un’umanità varia, con i cattivi e le vittime, le tragedie e i trionfi della società contemporanea.

L’artista trae ispirazione dal mondo attuale: «Mi interessa la storia, ma lavoro in un periodo post-storico. Io faccio dei dipinti sui tempi in cui vivo -afferma Tom Sanford-I media sono la mia musa, dipingo alla luce del mio computer. Vorrei avere il tempo di dipingere più cose, ma l’arte è lenta e il mondo è veloce».

Le sue opere sono in musei e gallerie di tutto il mondo e ha esposto in mostre personali alla Gallery Poulsen (Copenhagen), Kravets Wehby Gallery (NYC), Galleri SE (Bergen), Gitler & ___ (NYC), Leo Koenig Inc. (NYC), Galleri Faurschou (Copenhagen), BravinLee Programs (NYC), Gallery ZIdane (Lussemburgo) tra le altre, e in numerose mostre collettive. Tom Sanford fa parte del movimento artistico Aftermodernism fondato dal collezionista Hubert Neumann. Nell’ottobre del 2020 espone alla Mucciaccia Contemporary di Roma nella mostra Aftermodernism Chapter 2 Benjamin Edwards Tom Sanford a cura di Cesare Biasini Selvaggi.

Tom Sanford

Selezione mostre personali


Birds of America, EXPLORATIONS OF AUDUBON: THE PAINTINGS OF LARRY RIVERS AND OTHERS, 101/Exhibit, Los Angeles, California.


The Election Collection, Gallerie s.e, Bergen, Norway.

The Oasis, Gitler&___, Harlem, USA.

Poulsen’s Fifteen, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Four Sons, Gitler&____, Harlem, USA.

Sensorium, Kravets/Wehby Gallery, NYC.


The Hunt of the Unicorn, Gitler&_______, Harlem, USA.

The Copenhagen Interpretation (part 2), Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Copenhagen Interpretation, The Lodge Gallery, NYC


Natural Enemies, curated by Elizabeth Saperstein, Pelham Art Center, New York.

Exquisite Corpse, curated by Amir H. Fallah, Mass Gallery, Austin, TX.

Django, curated by Rene Holm, Galleri Franz Pedersen, Denmark.


Seveth-Inning Stretch, curated by Carlo McCormick & Eric Firestone, Eric Firestone Gallery, East Hampton, NY.

Aftermodernism, curated by Hubert Neumann, The Nassau County Museum of Art, Long Island, NY.

Hello Nasty, curated by Chris Bors, Cindy Rucker Gallery, NYC.

The Wild Bunch, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Die Wunderkammer, curated by Keith Schweitzer and Jason Patrick Voegele, The Lodge, NYC.

Weird World, (with Don Porcello & Toru Ishii), ISE Cultural Foundation, NYC.


How Much Do I Owe You?, curated by Manon Slome & No Longer Empty, LIC NYC.

About Face, curated by Daniel Weinberg, ACME gallery, Los Angeles.

Double Dirty Dozen, Frieght + Volume Gallery, New York City

It’s Hard to Leave When You Can’t Find the Door, LaMontagne Gallery, Boston.

Disorder, Kravets/Wehby Gallery, New York City.

Come and Get It!, Herdershot Gallery, New York City

The Wicked Twins: Fame and Notoriety, Paul Robeson Galleries, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey.

Drawn To You, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Good Intentions, Hezi Cohen Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel.

MIE: A Portrait by 35 Artists, Curated by Nick Lawrence and Mie Iwatsuki, Frieght +Volume, New York City


From Where You Just Arrived, organized by Ryan Schneider & Jonas Wood, Pepin Moore, Los Angeles.

Die Like You Really Mean It, curated by Frank Webster & Paul Brainard, Allegra LaViola Gallery, NYC.

MAKE Skateboards, curated by Scott Ogden, i-20 Gallery, NYC.

Bitches Brew (New Art from New York 2), Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

SICK! curated by Meghan Carleton and Max Wolf, Misc., NYC.

Pornucopia, Allegra LaViola Gallery, NYC

Battle of the Brush, curated by Alex Glauber, Bryant Park, NYC


Xmas Show, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Three Amigos: Tom Sanford, Eric White & Nicola Verlota, Galleri S.E., Bergen, Norway.

RUN AND TELL THAT!: New Work from New York, curated by Eric Gleason and David Prince, SUart Galleries, Syracuse University, NY. (online catalog here)

The Incomplete – Paris, curated by Hubert Neumann, GALERIE JEAN-LUC+TAKAKO RICHARD, Paris, France. (catalog available here)

50 Ways to Keep Your Lover, Galleri S.E., Bergen, Norway.

BIG PICTURE, Priska C. Juschka Fine Art, New York, NY.

Irascible Assholes, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Currents – Benjamin Edwards, Jessica Jackson Hutchins & Tom Sanford, Nassau County Museum of Art, Long Island, NY.

BUSHWICK SCHLACHT curated by Guillermo Creus.

The Antidote, Claire Oliver Fine Art, NYC.

Never Can Say Goodbye, Tower Record/No Longer Empty, NY.


TOO BIG TO FAIL, NADA/LaMontagne Gallery, 375 Flatbush, Brooklyn

No Longer Empty 3, The Invisible Dog, Brooklyn, NY
Low Blow: And Other Species of Confusion, Stux Gallery, New York, NY
Summer Exhibition, Marlborough Gallery, New York, NY
Luxus – Ruhe – Wollust. Arbeiten auf Papier, Galerie Michael Schultz, Berlin


In Your Face, Buia Gallery, New York, NY
The Main Event, Schroeder Romero, New York, NY
Leisure Suite (curated by Martin Basher), Neiman Center, Columbia University, New York, NY
Accrochage, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Denmark


No New Tale To Tell….,31 GRAND, Brooklyn, NY
The Incomplete (curated by Hubert Neumann), Chelsea Art Museum, New York, NY
Heroes…Like us?, Palazzo delle Arti, Napoli, Italy
Dangerous Beauty, Chelsea Art Museum, New York, NY


Reflections (20 Year Anniversary), Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Denmark
Celebrity, Sixtyseven Gallery, New York, NY


Star-Star: Toward the Center of Attention, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH
Self Preservation Society, Leo Koenig Inc., NYC
Leaving Cockaigne, Leo Koenig Inc., NYC


The Beautiful Ones, 31 GRAND, Brooklyn, NY
Rowdy Remix, ATM Gallery, New York, NY
Super Salon, Samson Projects, Boston, MA


Derivative (curated by Sarah Rosenbaum), Bingo Hall, Brooklyn, NY
Enough About Me (curated by Deborah Kass), Momenta, Brooklyn, NY


EyeSaw, Ledeco Gallery, Tokyo, Japan


Size Matters, Gale Gates et al., Brooklyn, NY
The Road Show (curated by Mike Wiess), dfn Gallery, NYC


Surfing the Surface, dfn Gallery NYC

Selezione mostre collettive

Instagram Live, 19 Karen, Queensland AU.
If Tomorrow Comes, BravinLee Programs, NYC, USA.
Tom Sanford & Rebecca Morgan, Gitler & Grayspace Gallery, Santa Barbara, USA.
The Incredibly Pretentious Art Festival, Cottrell Brewery, Pawkatuck CT, USA.
Court Vision, My Pet Ram, NYC, USA.


Aftermoderism Chapter 2, Benjamin Edwards and Tom Sanford, a cura di Cesare Biasini Selvaggi. Mucciaccia Contemporary, Roma, Italia.


Have you seen this Man?, Gitler &____, Harlem, USA

Triad (with James Busby and Christian Schumann), Neumann Wolfson Art, NY, NY


Greetings From Harlem, The Palm Tree Gallery, London, England.


What’s Good in the ‘Hood, Gitler&____, Harlem, USA.

The Rape of the Masters, Gallerie s.e, Bergen, Norway.


The Lifes of the Artists, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark


Café des Artistes, Kravets/Wehby Gallery, NYC.


100 Little Deaths, BravinLee Programs, NYC.

The Saints of the Lower East Side, Curated by Keith Schweitzer, ArtUp, FABnyc, New York, NY.


CLASH, Curated by Erna Hecey, Gallery Zidoun, Luxembourg

The Decline of Western Civilization (part 3), Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Denmark.

POWHIDA, collaboration with William Powhida, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, NY.


Mr. Hangover Leo Koenig Inc., New York, NY


Bad Religion, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Denmark


I will Fukn Rob Your White Ass, Leo Koenig Inc., NY


The Life and Times of TomPAC, Galleri Faurschou, Copenhagen, Denmark


TomPAC, Western Projects, Los Angeles, CA


Bling, 31 Grand, Brooklyn NY

Keepin’ it Gangsta, Keepin’ it Global, Tomoya Saito Gallery, Tokyo,  Japan

Collezioni pubbliche

Fidelity Investments, Boston and London, Londra
Arts Council Collection, Hayward Gallery, Londra
Goldman Sachs Collection, Londra
Kupferstichkabinett of the National Gallery of Berlin, Berlin
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Art Collection, Londra
San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, USA
The Government Art Collection, Londra

Tom Sanford, A Bird in the Hand is Beats Two in the Hole, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 100.5x149.5 cm

Tom Sanford, A Bird in the Hand is Beats Two in the Hole, 2017, acrilico su tela, 100.5×149.5 cm

Tom Sanford, Uptown Local, 2018-2019, acrylic on canvas, 180×180×4 cm

Tom Sanford, Uptown Local, 2018-2019, acrilico su tela, 180×180×4 cm