Journey from Hyperrealism to Abstraction

Roberto Bernardi, Frank Holliday, Jeffrey Kroll, Roberto Miniati, Cristiano Pintaldi, Piero Pizzi Cannella,  Oliviero Rainaldi, Luciano Ventrone, Massimo Giannoni, Francesca Leone.


28 novembre 2023 – 27 aprile 2024

Frank Holliday, Sky Lark, 2013, Oil on canvas, 183 x 123 cm

Frank Holliday, Sky Lark, 2013, Oil on canvas, 183 x 123 cm

​Mucciaccia Gallery Singapore proposes a focus on the representation of different subjects, beginning a journey from the hyperrealism of Roberto Bernardi to the pure abstraction of Jeffrey Kroll and Frank Holliday, for which it has called together the works of ten important artists from its collection.

Embark on a captivating exploration of Hyperrealism and Abstraction as we present works by internationally renowned artists. Delve into the intricate world of hyperrealistic and abstract painting, witnessing how these visionary contemporary artists skillfully weave the two styles into a harmonious cosmos—a lyrical riddle encapsulating the essence of both elements. Visit us now and experience the magic firsthand.

Opening Hours

Tuesday – Friday: 12pm – 7pm
Saturday: 11am – 7pm
Sunday: 11am – 6pm

Mucciaccia Gallery
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