Jingyi Wang

Jingyi Wang è nata in Cina nel 1989 e vive a lavora New York. È un’artista visiva che predilige la pittura ad olio, le sue opere si concentrano sul rapporto tra l’uomo e la natura. L’osservazione e la percezione sono la fonte di ispirazione per le sue creazioni, un soggetto che tratta frequentemente è il cactus assieme alle figure umane, in quanto elementi che riflettono gli aspetti biologici e psicologici della vita, tuttavia affronta tali soggetti con una intima intersoggettività e umanità. Il desiderio di Jingyi Wang è quello di riuscire ad unire in maniera fluida i corpi umani al suolo della madre natura, creando un particolare spazio di dialogo che trova motivo di vita in una speciale visione surreale.

Wang percepisce che oggi più che mai il rapporto tra uomo e natura è al centro dell’attenzione, così anche le sue opere sono un incitamento al pensiero secondo cui “rispettare la natura equivale a rispettare noi stessi”. Per l’artista i cactus simboleggiano i suoi sentimenti ed un particolare atteggiamento nei confronti della vita, questo soggetto le è utile ad esprimere uno stato di impotenza ed un groviglio di emozioni nervose.

Jingyi Wang

Selezione mostre personali

2022 Under the Blue Sky, Four You Gallery, Virtual Exhibition, Dubai

2021 Natural Social Distancing, Four You Gallery, Virtual Exhibition, Dubai

2019 Soft Sting, Time Arts, NYC, USA

2018 My Loneliness Is A Garden, Art lines Gallery, Hackensack, USA

2017 The Growing, The Gallery of Amerasia Bank, NYC, USA

Selezione mostre collettive


Oct Double Trouble, Another Gallery, Parigi, Francia

Oct On the Road to Basel, Lorin Gallery, Parigi, Francia

Sep Panorama, Cohle Gallery Menorca, Spagna

Aug Lost in Translation, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Danimarca

Jun Otherwordly, Mucciaccia Gallery, London, UK

May Exodus, Gallery Ascend, HongKong, Cina

Apr All Is Not as What It Seems, Lorin Gallery, LA, USA

Mar Contemporary Perspectives-Three Person Exhibition, Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, Danimarca

Mar Loved Ones, New York Academy of Art, NYC, USA

Feb A Corner Garden with Light, Cao Chang Di international Art Village, Beijing, Cina

Feb Future Art Award Virtual Exhibition, MOZAIK Philanthropy, LA, USA


Dec In The Eye of The Beholder, Four you gallery, Virtual Exhibition

Dec Color Your Soul, Universe Gallery, Hangzhou, Cina

Dec Artists for Artist, Sotheby’s New York & New York Academy of Art, NYC, USA

Nov New Beginnings, Mandarin Oriental Miami, Miami, USA

Nov Hidden Message, Gallery Func, Shanghai, Cina

Oct A Tale of Two Cities, Enjoy · Art Museum, Beijing, Cina

Aug Scene 9+9- HER POWER, Art Life Foundation, Hong Kong, Cina

Jul Ridiculous Sublime, SFA advisory, NYC, USA

Jun Summer Exhibition, New York Academy of Art, NYC, USA

May The Push, High Line Nine Gallery, NYC, USA


Jan Members Invitational Juried Exhibition,Equity Gallery, NYC, USA


Oct Artists for Artists, New York Academy of Art, NYC, USA

Jun The Misfits, Mana Contemporary, Jersey City, USA

Jun Sumer Exhibition Online, New York Academy of Art, NYC, USA


Oct The 28th Annual Take Home a Nude Auction, Sotheby’s New York, NYC, USA


Oct The 27th Annual Take Home a Nude Auction, Sotheby’s NYC, USA

Aug Just us, The New York Gallery of Chinese Art, NYC, USA

Aug New York State of Mind—Art America Dalian 2018, X Gallery, Dalian, Cina

Jul Artspace x New York Academy of Art Alumni Exhibition, Artspace, NYC, USA

May Through The Eyes of An Artist, Panepinto Galleries, Jersey City, USA

Mar Future Stories, InterContinental New York Barclay, NYC, USA

Feb Fantastic Art China-Modern Expressions of Traditions, Metropolitan Pavilion, NYC, USA

Jan Beyond Figuration-Art America Beijing, Chengxi Contemporary Art Center, Pechino, Cina


Oct The 26th Annual Take Home a Nude Auction, Sotheby’s, NYC, USA

Jun Plein-Air Invitational 2017, New York Botanical Garden, Plein-Air Gallery, NYC, USA

Apr Out of left Field Exhibition, Tribeca Ball, NYAA, NYC, USA

Jan Fantastic Art China 2017 Cross-Cultural Dialogue: China-America Art exhibition,

Metropolitan Pavilion, NYC, USA


Oct The 25th Annual Take Home a Nude Auction, Sotheby’s, NYC, USA

May MFA Thesis Exhibition 2016, NYAA, NYC, USA

May In Full Bloom, Portraits Inc. NYC, USA

Apr Copyist Celebration, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC, USA

Feb Fantastic Art China 2016, Cross-Cultural Dialogue: China-America Arts Exhibition,

Javits Center, NYC, USA

Jan Re, Flux Factory, NYC, USA


Apr Tribeca Ball, NYAA, NYC, USA

2014 Deck The Walls, Wilkinson Gallery, NYAA, NYC, USA

2013 BFA Thesis Exhibition, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Pechino, Cina


Fiere D’Arte

2022 Art Miami 2022, Gallery Poulsen, Miami, Florida, Usa

Roma Arte in Nuvola, Mucciaccia Contemporary, Roma, Italia

Art Herning, Gallery Poulsen, Herning, Danimarca

2021 Guangzhou Contemporary Art Fair, Gallery Func, Guangzhou, Cina

Art Miami, NYAA, Miami, USA

2017 Art New York, NYAA, NYC, USA


Premi e residenze d’artista


MOZAIK Future Art Awards, Featured Art: “ Poking”, MOZAIK Philanthropy, LA, USA

Aesthetica Art Prize 2022, Longlisted Artist, UK


Terra Foundation Residency for American Art Award, Terra Foundation & NYAA, Giverny, Francia

Jingyi Wang, Toward Dusk #2, 2022, oil on canvas, 55x50 cm

Jingyi Wang, Toward Dusk #2, 2022, oil on canvas, 55×50 cm

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