Twenty years after “Latest generations”



Piero Pizzi Cannella I vasi, 2013 – oil on canvas – cm 180×230

Gianni Dessì, Cristiano Pintaldi, Piero Pizzi Cannella, Marco Tirelli

Twenty years after “Latest generations”, the show dedicated to the artists emerged between 1950 and 1990. The event “Fuori Quadriennale”  is the pretext to expose the recent works of the artists of the School of St. Lawrence in Rome – Gianni Dessì, Piero Pizzi Cannella and Marco Tirelli – and the youngest  Cristiano Pintaldi.  Different artistic personalities face the art in their personal way, so the sphere painted by Marco Tirelli is the counterpoint of the recent canvas of Gianni Dessì , like as the poetic canvases of Piero Pizzi Cannella does with the  “pixel” of Cristiano Pintaldi.

Orari di apertura

Lunedì – Sabato: 10:00 19:30
Domenica chiusi


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