Giosetta Fioroni



02 March – 30 April 2017

Fioroni Giosetta, Liberty con paesaggio

Partners & Mucciaccia is pleased to present an exhibition dedicated to the silver years of Giosetta Fioroni, following the success of the solo exhibition at Galleria Mucciaccia in Rome and her solo show GIOSETTA FIORONI. Roma anni ’60 at the Museum MACRA in Catanzaro, Italy in 2016.

GIOSETTA FIORONI – SILVER YEARS features the artist’s acclaimed silver works from the 1960s painted with enamel, aluminium and oil paint, alongside rarely shown coloured canvases, widely considered amongst the most important contributions to Italian Pop Art.

Regarded as ‘The First Lady of Italian Pop Art’ by Alberto Boatto (Il Giornale dell’Arte, Nov 2013), Fioroni was one of the most prominent female members of the renowned Roman art movement La Scuola di Piazza del Popolo, together with Mario Schifano, Tano Testa and Franco Angeli. Fioroni was also one of the protagonist artists of the Venice Biennale 1964: The Rise of Pop Art. Working against a backdrop of ‘La Dolce Vita’ and the new wave of post war Italian neo realism, Fioroni’s early production was heavily influenced by the wave of creativity that pervaded streets, cafes, and cultural circles of “a proliferating, sometime absurd” capital city of the 1960s. Many of her muses can also be found in the work of Antonioni, Pasolini, Fellini, and Bertolucci. Fioroni’s elegant works have the immediacy of a photographic snapshot, where often on the same canvas she depicts either the trace of a sequence of images, or the same subject is present simultaneously, but at two different times. It is strikingly notable how Fioroni’s groundbreaking vision during this period reflects her relationship with the fashion and photography industry.

American Pop Art took on a new meaning in post-fascist Italy, and the European movement embraced the cool detachment of the Americans but absolutely rejected the mechanical techniques they employed. The artist offers an alternative to the pervasive view of Pop Art as instantiating a male dominating gaze and passive female subject. Her work is a reflection on the female narrative and not a reproduction of a stylised image.

The show is organised in collaboration with the Archive Goffredo Parise and Giosetta Fioroni.

The artist was born in Rome in 1932 where she lives and works.

21 Dering Street – W1S 1AL London

For more information
Tel. +44 (0) 20 3302 3440


New guidelines for visiting the gallery.
For the safety of our visitors and staff, we will carefully monitor entry to the gallery. A limited number of visitors will be permitted within the gallery. Visitors must wear masks and maintain a two meter distance.

Installation, Silver Years, Mucciaccia Gallery London
Giosetta Fioroni Silver Years - Exhibition Partners & Mucciaccia London
Giosetta Fioroni Silver Years - Exhibition Partners & Mucciaccia London
Giosetta Fioroni Silver Years - Exhibition Partners & Mucciaccia London

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday: 10am – 6pm
Sunday closed
