23 November 2006 – 28 January 28 2007
It opens in Rome on November 23, 2006 (until January 28, 2007) with the illustrious sponsorship of the Lazio Region, of the Rome Province and the City of Rome, the exhibition of Giorgio de Chirico. Among the sponsors, the newspaper Libero directed by Vittorio Feltri and Il Riformista, directed by Paolo Franchi, Spedart and Fata Assicurazioni. The catalogue features a preface by Ottaviano Del Turco, the critical text is edited by Paolo Baldacci, for Mucciaccia editions. The event will take place at Galleria Mucciaccia, Piazza d’Ara Coeli, 16. Through 38 oil paintings from the 20’s to the 70’sit’s possible to go through more than one aspect of the art of the famous master, always oriented by the love story and the myth and always governed by the imperative metaphysical stealing things and moving them to their logical aspect. de Chirico is always an artist which amazes and confuses, a dépaysagiste, as Jean Cocteau called him. He never betrays his romantic spirit of passionate reader of poems and opera viewer. The inner world of de Chirico unfolds in front of our eyes through the phantasmagoric metaphysical squares, mannequins and interior and then melts in the nostalgic visions of ancient Greek beaches populated by horses and mythical figures. In the beautiful pictorial material of the Baroque period it is imprisoned the surreal appearance of the world and armed with this skill the artist indulges in lyrical evocations of mythical and emotional level, as in the painting of the battle between Hector and Achilles under the walls of Troy , a masterpiece in which we can not fail to perceive the high level of emotion and participation of the artist in front of the fairy tale. The senior de Chirico perhaps doesn’t relive the emotions that led him to create one of the greatest artistic treasures of the twentieth century, and indeed nothing can ever happen again in the same way, but his spirit was not profoundly changed. Sitting at his easel he imagined himself as a horseman galloping in the forest or like an ancient hero in battle and his new metaphysical views parodied the old with a non immemorial wisdom from old juggler always able to animate his disturbing and colorful cunning.

Exhibition Catalogue, curated by Massimiliano Mucciaccia, essays by Ottaviano del Turco and Paolo Baldacci
Published by Carlo Cambi Editore
ROME | Galleria Mucciaccia
Largo della Fontanella Borghese, 89
Cap 00186 – Roma
Tel. +39 06.69923801
Fax +39 06.69200634
Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday: 10am – 7:30pm